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CYSE 425W (Cybersecurity Strategy and Policy) is one of the Core Courses that I needed to take for the ODU’s Cybersecurity Program. This course explores cybersecurity policy and strategy and introduces students to the essentials of strategy development and policy making in cybersecurity. Topics considered include planning principles in cyber strategy; risk management and cybersecurity policy; the connections between cybersecurity policies, businesses, and governmental institutions; the knowledge, skills, and abilities needed to develop and implement cybersecurity policy; the social, political and ethical implications that arise in cybersecurity policies and strategies; strategies to assess cybersecurity policy; and the ties between national security and cybersecurity policy.


By the end of this course, I was able to describe the goal and structure of a national security strategy and compare it to cybersecurity strategy. I am also able to identify international cyber crisis management and conflict resolution mechanisms. I compared and interpreted cybersecurity policy issues and made recommendations on policy choices. I also critically communicated the political and social implications that arise with cybersecurity policies and strategies.


Throughout the duration of this course, we are asked to write a Policy Analysis Paper where we analyze an already existing cybersecurity policy or strategy. There is also a final paper where we will describe a proposition for a new policy/strategy that is supposed to address an existing or future cybersecurity problem.

One of my Policy Analysis Paper is about the social implication that arises from the cybersecurity policy Data Breach Notification Law. My report described the connections between society and the Data Breach Notification Law, specifically, the social factors that led to the development of the policy, the social consequences of the policy, and the way that cultural and subcultural influences have shaped the policy.

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